Ключи к упражнениям контрольных заданий - Приложение

Английский язык - Книга для учителя 10 класс - Углублённый уровень - О. В. Афанасьева - 2017 год

Ключи к упражнениям контрольных заданий - Приложение

Unit One

I. Listening Comprehension Tests

Test One. A. 6; B. 4; C. 3; D. 7; E. 1; F. 5; extra - 2

Test Two. 1. T; 2. T; 3. NS; 4. T; 5. NS; 6. F; 7. F

Test Three. 1. b; 2. b; 3. a; 4. c; 5. c; 6. c; 7. a

II. Reading Tests

Test One. A. 4; B. 5; C. 2; D. 7; E. 1; F. 3; extra - 6

Test Two. A. 4; B. 2; C. 7; D. 1; E. 3; F. 6; G. 5

Test Three. 1. b; 2. d; 3. c; 4. a

III. Vocabulary Tests

Test One. 1. Greedy; 2. affected; 3. poverty; 4. gasp; 5. arrangement; 6. affect; 7. victims; 8. sheer; 9. piece; 10. shadow

Test Two. 1. b; 2. b; 3. a; 4. a; 5. b; 6. b; 7. a; 8. a

Test Three. 1. wisp; 2. bar; 3. flakes; 4. lump; 5. speck; 6. drop; 7. crumbs; 8. chunk; 9. pinch; 10. slice

Test Four. 1. down; 2. away; 3. for; 4. out; 5. away; 6. out; 7. out; 8. down; 9. for; 10. down

Test Five. 1. landscapes and still lifes; 2. an/the artist’s colour scheme; 3. to stand the test of time; 4. a true/real masterpiece; 5. the subject of the painting; 6. a historical painting; 7. in the foreground; 8. (the) dominating colours; 9. a/the sense of space; 10. the mood of the moment; 11. the general impression; 12. bright luminous colours

Test Six. 1. for; 2. to; 3. with; 4. about; 5. in; 6. in, of; 7. as; 8. by; 9. of; 10. of

Test Seven. 1. red-faced; 2. narrow-minded; 3. fast-acting; 4. poverty- stricken; 5. well-kept; 6. close-set; 7. Easygoing; 8. single-handed

Test Eight. 1. artist; 2. famous; 3. painter; 4. unsurpassed; 5. painting; 6. fashionable; 7. favourite; 8. leading; 9. portraits

Test Nine. 1. b; 2. d; 3. a; 4. c; 5. c; 6. a; 7. b

IV. Grammar Tests

Test One. 1. him, him; 2. theirs, theirs; 3. us, her; 4. your, mine; 5. them; 6. its; 7. ours, yours; 8. them

Test Two. 1. yourselves; 2. herself; 3. -; 4. -; 5. yourself; 6. herself; 7. -; 8. himself; 9. themselves

Test Three. 1. is; 2. has; 3. has; 4. was; 5. was; 6. are; 7. has; 8. was; 9. were; 10. i.

Test Four. 1. масштаб; 2. привычки; 3. внешность; 4. содержание, идея; 5. важный вид; 6. прах; 7. содержание, оглавление; 8. весы; 9. заработки; 10. привычка; 11. образ, способ; 12. таможня

Test Five. The wrong sentences: 3, 5, 7.

The correct sentences: 3. - Rye bread. 5. Cottage cheese is the cheese I use to make this cake. 7. Tomato juice is the juice I prefer to have for lunch.

Test Six. 1. have/has; 2. have; 3. is; 4. are; 5. have; 6. are; 7. are; 8. includes; 9. are; 10. is/was/are/were; 11. are/have been/were/will be; 12. understand/understands

Test Seven. 1. greatest; 2. grew; 3. first; 4. be expected; 5. better; 6. was published; 7. see; 8. more

Unit Two

I. Listening Comprehension Tests

Test One. A. 6; B. 3; C. 1; D. 4; E. 2; F. 7; extra - 5

Test Two. 1. NS; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F; 6. NS; 7. T; 8. T; 9. F

Test Three. 1. c; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c; 6. c

II. Reading Tests

Test One. A. 5; B. 2; C. 7; D. 1; E. 6; F. 3; extra - 4

Test Two. A. 7; B. 5; C. 4; D. 2; E. 3; F. 6; G. 1

Test Three. 1. d; 2. c; 3. c; 4. a

III. Vocabulary Tests

Test One. 1. demanding; 2. sentences; 3. claim; 4. deserved; 5. seek; 6. denied; 7. awesome; 8. executed; 9. innocent; 10. trial; 11. confirmed; 12. menace; 13. betrayed

Test Two. 1. to demand absolute obedience; 2. deserves your time; 3. betrayed his own principles; 4. innocent as a baby unborn; 5. confirmed him in his determination; 6. menace on the roads; 7. went on trial; 8. stood in awe; 9. claims to represent; 10. sentenced to five years

Test Three. 1. b; 2. b; 3. a; 4. a; 5. a; 6. b; 7. b; 8. b

Test Four. 1. overpaid; 2. underused; 3. misplaced; 4. prerecorded; 5. outstare; 6. dishonesty; 7. unwanted; 8. antibiotics

Test Five. 1. out; 2. through; 3. on; 4. through; 5. on; 6. out; 7. on; 8. through

Test Six. 1. on; 2. to; 3. of; 4. to; 5. in; 6. in; 7. of; 8. of; 9. to; 10. by

Test Seven. 1. Roman Catholic Church; 2. a pilgrimage; 3. stained glass windows; 4. cathedrals and chapels; 5. convents and monasteries; 6. a religious community; 7. customs, rituals and rites; 8. Orthodox Church; 9. a crucifixion; 10. a mosque; 11. to seek salvation; 12. to make (offer) prayers

Test Eight. 1. European; 2. importance; 3. snugly; 4. cloudless; 5. undisturbed; 6. cloudy; 7. inaccurate

Test Nine. 1. d; 2. b; 3. a; 4. c; 5. b; 6. c; 7. b

IV. Grammar Tests

Test One. 1. great; 2. coldly, wrong; 3. hard; 4. highly; 5. usual; 6. late; 7. loud; 8. wrongly; 9. right

Test Two. 1. I don’t often come ...; 2. He is always late ...; 3. ... he has never been ...; 4. Sometimes I join .../ I sometimes join .../ in their discussions sometimes; 5. I definitely remember ...; 6. Mr Tyson is still doubtful ...; 7. We were seldom invited ...; 8. Mrs Thompson is usually at home ...; 9. My Aunt Emma rarely speaks ...; 10. .he is probably wrong.

Test Three. 1. more observant; 2. most; 3. many; 4. a better; 5. fastest; 6. younger; 7. oldest; 8. slower; 9. shortest; 10. many

Test Four. The wrong sentences: 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 The correct sentences: 2. The frightened children kept silent about the accident. 3. I have never met a living poet in my whole life. 5. She didn’t want to fall asleep before midnight ... 9. They have a pianist playing live music in this restaurant. 10. It was a great shock to see the burning cars under our windows.

Test Five. 1. safely afloat; 2. very much alive; 3. all alone; 4. fast asleep; 5. very ashamed; 6. wide awake; 7. all alight

Test Six. (Sample version) 1. Я предлагаю тебе поговорить с тем человеком, который с этим непосредственно связан. 2. Существующая ситуация не должна продолжаться. 3. Обеспокоенные родители решили разобраться с тем, что происходит. 4. Постепенно они и сами втянулись в диспут. 5. Присутствовавшие на концерте были счастливы снова увидеть своего любимого певца. 6. Она занимает очень важное (ответственное) положение в своей компании. 7. Как правильно решить эту проблему? 8. Они вели долгий и сложный разговор о современной политике. 9. Те, кто в ответе за ужасное преступление, должны быть наказаны. 10. Ты живёшь в самом городе или в пригороде?

Test Seven. 1. a fantastic new French film; 2. a long purple woollen skirt; 3. an original round plastic table; 4. a tasty large chocolate cake; 5. an ancient gray stone castle; 6. a picturesque green Italian island; 7. an impressive triangular multi-coloured kite; 8. a cute small white lamb

Test Eight. 1. Normally/Generally; 2. Hopefully; 3. Briefly; 4. Honestly; 5. Frankly; 6. generally/normally; 7. evidently/clearly; 8. Clearly/Evidently

Test Nine. 1. best; 2. women; 3. had never been; 4. first; 5. sitting; 6. her; 7. Did you see; 8. are you talking

Unit Three

I. Listening Comprehension Tests

Test One. A. 3; B. 1; C. 7; D. 5; E. 2; F. 4; extra - 6

Test Two. 1. NS; 2. F; 3. T; 4. T; 5. NS; 6. T; 7. F

Test Three. 1. b; 2. c; 3. c; 4. a; 5. a; 6. b; 7. c

II. Reading Tests

Test One. A. 1; B. 8; C. 6; D. 2; E. 4; F. 3; G. 5; extra - 7

Test Two. A. 7; B. 2; C. 1; D. 8; E. 4; F. 9; G. 3; H. 6; extra - 5

Test Three. 1. c; 2. d; 3. a; 4. b; 5. c; 6. b

III. Vocabulary Tests

Test One. 1. rubbed; 2. distressing; 3. shrewd; 4. was fading; 5. treatment; 6. hesitation; 7. oppression; 8. am shivering; 9. board; 10. decent; 11. scratched; 12. disturbing; 13. span; 14. hesitating

Test Two. 1. b; 2. d; 3. e; 4. f; 5. g; 6. c; 7. a

Test Three. 1. d; 2. h; 3. c; 4. i; 5. f; 6. b; 7. g; 8. a; 9. e

Test Four. 1. aroma; 2. odd; 3. together; 4. eighty-dollar; 5. ferret; 6. three-kilometre; 7. distressing; 8. treatment; 9. reek; 10. oppressive

Test Five. 1. along; 2. down; 3. in; 4. out; 5. in; 6. down; 7. along; 8. down; 9. out; 10. along

Test Six. 1. reduce; 2. develop; 3. protect; 4. dumping/pollution; 5. recycling; 6. raise; 7. excessive, environmental; 8. pollution, waste

Test Seven. 1. to; 2. with, for; 3. with; 4. between; 5. with; 6. against; 7. on; 8. to; 9. over/about; 10. round; 11. over/about; 12. from; 13. into; 14. off

Test Eight. 1. naturalist; 2. different; 3. various; 4. ecological; 5. extremely; 6. disturbing; 7. descriptions; 8. disappear; 9. protection; 10. hardly

Test Nine. 1. a; 2. b; 3. c; 4. d; 5. d; 6. b; 7. c; 8. c; 9. b; 10. c

IV. Grammar Tests

Test One. 1. has been raining; 2. would; 3. had; 4. snows; 5. comes; 6. have become; 7. are, have been playing; 8. were already finishing; 9. was cleaning; 10. will have finished; 11. will be flying; 12. consult

Test Two. 1. returns; 2. Have you ever heard; 3. is/was named; 4. saw; 5. knew; 6. had seen; 7. happened; 8. did; 9. said; 10. would come; 11. had predicted; 12. would travel; 13. appeared; 14. were watching

Test Three. 1. were invented; 2. will be built; 3. are being signed; 4. was mentioned, would not be accepted, had been approved; 5. be taken; 6. has been increased; 7. are delivered; 8. was discovered; 9. were being looked; 10. had been examined, had been found

Test Four. 1. for; 2. for; 3. for; 4. to; 5. for; 6. to; 7. to; 8. to; 9. to; 10. for; 11. to; 12. to

Test Five. 1. tears; 2. flown; 3. shows; 4. sell; 5. is ringing; 6. had crashed; 7. caught; 8. cook; 9. wash; 10. has cracked 1. Эта бумага легко рвётся. 2. Поверь мне, я никогда в жизни не запускал бумажного змея. 3. Она никого не может обмануть. Всё, что она хочет скрыть, легко прочитать у неё на лице. 4. Такие видеоигры обычно хорошо продаются. 5. Звенит звонок, нам пора идти. 6. Нам сообщили, что через несколько секунд после взлёта самолёт разбился. 7. Когда мой брат перелезал через забор, его брюки зацепились за гвоздь. 8. Пусть рагу ещё потомится с часок. 9. - Посмотри, твои джинсы опять грязные. - Не волнуйся, они хорошо стираются. 10. Ваза треснула. В неё нельзя наливать воду для цветов.

Test Six. 1. c; 2. b; 3. a; 4. a; 5. b; 6. a; 7. a; 8. c; 9. a; 10. a; 11. b; 12. a

Test Seven. 1. studies; 2. their; 3. have always studied; 4. have always been; 5. surrounding; 6. is happening; 7. species; 8. most important; 9. teaches; 10. us; 11. to survive

Unit Four

I. Listening Comprehension Tests

Test One. A. 7; B. 2; C. 4; D. 5; E. 6; F. 1; extra - 3

Test Two. 1. F; 2. T; 3. NS; 4. T; 5. F; 6. T; 7. T; 8. T

Test Three. 1. c; 2. c; 3. b; 4. a; 5. a; 6. b; 7. b

II. Reading Tests

Test One. A. 4; B. 1; C. 3; D. 2; E. 5; F. 7; extra - 6

Test Two. A. 2; B. 7; C. 8; D. 1; E. 3; F. 4; G. 5; extra - 6

Test Three. 1. b; 2. d; 3. a; 4. c; 5. a; 6. b

III. Vocabulary Tests

Test One. 1. begged; 2. fee; 3. fancy; 4. embarrassed; 5. precise; 6. cursory; 7. accident; 8. soul; 9. twinkle; 10. remains

Test Two. 1. reflecting on the facts; 2. shabby clothes; 3. earn her living; 4. take the risk; 5. risky occupation; 6. embarrassment of speaking; 7. precise moment; 8. fancy swimming; 9. beg you to return; 10. charge a fee

Test Three. 1. b; 2. a; 3. a; 4. a; 5. b; 6. b; 7. b; 8. b; 9. b; 10. a

Test Four. 1. d; 2. c; 3. b; 4. a; 5. d; 6. c; 7. a; 8. b

Test Five. 1. to; 2. out; 3. together; 4. with; 5. out; 6. up for; 7. up for; 8. to; 9. together; 10. with

Test Six. 1. sandwich; 2. football; 3. biscuits; 4. potatoes; 5. vegetables; 6. lipstick; 7. vacuum cleaner; 8. cardigan; 9. personal computer; 10. the British Broadcasting Corporation

Test Seven. 1. By; 2. for; 3. of; 4. for, to; 5. of; 6. by; 7. for; 8. At; 9. on/over; 10. of

Test Eight. 1. Recently; 2. personal; 3. specifically; 4. Photographers; 5. romantic; 6. southern; 7. strength; 8. strength; 9. speculation; 10. marriage

Test Nine. 1. Wow! 2. Oh!/Oh dear!/Oh no!; My!/Oh my! 3. Ouch! 4. Pardon./I beg your pardon. 5. Oh!/Oh dear!/Oh no!; My!/Oh my! 6. Right. 7. Heaven help us 8. Heaven only knows! 9. Alas!

Test Ten. 1. c; 2. b; 3. e; 4. h; 5. g; 6. d; 7. f; 8; a

IV. Grammar Tests

Test One. 1 . have become; 2. got, had started; 3. began; 4. wouldn’t; 5. had written; 6. keeps, is not working; 7. will return, will return; 8. was happening; 9. was being built; 10. are being signed

Test Two. 1. to take; 2. joining; 3. reading; 4. be allowed; 5. learning; 6. turning; 7. to explain; 8. to have; 9. joining; 10. to make; 11. do; 12. to do

Test Three. 1. was still called; 2. enjoyed; 3. surrounded; 4. was; 5. to leave; 6. had earned; 7. was taking; 8. were made; 9. found; 10. were not allowed; 11. was isolated

Test Four. 1. to; 3. to; 5. to; 7. to; 8. to

Test Five. (Sample version) 1. to put it another way; 2. To begin with; 3. to cut a long story short; 4. to tell you the truth/to be honest; 5. To be honest; 6. to get back to the point; 7. to be honest; 8. to put it another way; 9. to begin with. 10. To cut a long story short Test Six. 1. depressing; 2. touched; 3. exhausted; 4. exciting; 5. interested; 6. embarrassing; 7. astonished; 8. entertained; 9. ruined; 10. bored, boring

Test Seven. 1. has inspired; 2. was diagnosed; 3. was given; 4. to live; 5. put; 6. went; 7. cycled; 8. her; 9. felt; 10. was losing/had lost; 11. said; 12. children; 13. will remember; 14. them

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