Грамматика английского языка 4 класс - Книга для родителей к учебнику И. Н. Верещагиной - 2016 год


Типичные ошибки:

Не like milk. => Не likes milk.

Do he work? => Does he work?

Does he works? => Does he work?

He don’t work. => He doesn't work.

He doesn't works. => He doesn't work.

Present Indefinite употребляется для обозначения обычного действия или состояния в настоящем времени.

We are from Russia.

We have got a puppy.

We can play the piano.

We like to play chess.

Глагол be в Present Indefinite




I am right.

Не is right.

She is right.

It is right.

We are right.

You are right.

They are right.

Am I right?

Is he right?

Is she right?

Is it right?

Are we right?

Are you right?

Are they right?

I am not right.

He is not right.

She is not right.

It is not right.

We are not right.

You are not right.

They are not right.

I am not = I’m not

He is not = He isn’t

You are not = You aren’t

Глагол have в Present Indefinite




I have got toys.

We have got toys.

You have got toys.

They have got toys.

He has got toys.

She has got toys.

It has got toys.

Have I got toys?

I have not got toys.

We have not got toys.

You have not got toys.

They have not got toys.

He has not got toys.

She has not got toys.

It has not got toys.

Have we got toys?

Have you got toys?

Have they got toys?

Has he got toys?

Has she got toys?

Has it got toys?

has not = hasn't

have not = haven't

Глагол can2в Present Indefinite




I can ski.

Can I ski?

I cannot ski.

We cannot ski.

You cannot ski.

They cannot ski.

He cannot ski.

She cannot ski.

It cannot ski.

We can ski.

Can we ski?

You can ski.

Can you ski?

They can ski.

Can they ski?

He can ski.

Can he ski?

She can ski.

Can she ski?

It can ski.

Can it ski?

cannot = can’t

Глагол must3в Present Indefinite




I must run.

We must run.

You must run.

They must run.

He must run.

She must run.

It must run.

Must I run?

Must we run?

Must you run?

Must they run?

Must he run?

Must she run?

Must it run?

I must not run.

We must not run.

You must not run.

They must not run.

He must not run.

She must not run.

It must not run.

must not = mustn’t

Смысловые глаголы4 в Present Indefinite




I work.

We work.

You work.

They work.

He works.

She works.

It works.

Do I work?

Do we work?

Do you work?

Do they work?

Does he work?

Does she work?

Does it work?

I do not work.

We do not work.

You do not work.

They do not work.

He does not work.

She does not work.

It does not work.

do not = don’t

does not = doesn't

В утвердительном предложении в Present Indefinite смысловой глагол употребляется в первой форме без частицы to, то есть в той форме, что дана в словаре. Лишь тогда, когда подлежащее выражено местоимением he, she, it или словом, которое можно заменить этими местоимениями (mу brother, Mr Adams, his mother, Ann, her kitten, a table), глагол имеет формулу V1 + s.

I write → he writes

I work → she works

I jump → it jumps

Обратите внимание на особенности правописания:

1. Если глагол оканчивается на -s, -sh, -ch, -o, то нужно добавить -es.

I kiss → he kisses

I brush → he brushes

I switch → he switches

I do → he does

2. Если глагол оканчивается на -у, и перед ней стоит согласная, то -у меняется на -i и добавляется -es.

I study → he studies

I Если перед -у стоит гласная, то ничего менять не нужно, достаточно поставить окончание -s.

I stay → he stays

1 Эта видовременная форма имеет и другое название: Simple Present.

2 См. также § 30.

3 См. также §§ 31-32.

4 Глаголы, которые мы рассмотрели выше (be, have, can, must), никакого действия не выражают. Другие глаголы обозначают какое- либо действие (swim - плавать, соmе - приходить, wash - мыть). Такие глаголы мы будем называть смысловыми.

Для любых предложений по сайту: [email protected]