Раздел 9 - Урок 3

Английский язык 5 класс - Все домашние работы к учебнику и рабочей тетради М. З. Биболетовой

Раздел 9 - Урок 3

1. Вставьте в текст определенный артикль the, если необходимо.

—, the, —, the, —, the, —, —, the, —, —, —, —, —.

3. Дополните текст. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple or Present Continuous.

Am writing, is, hate, don’t want, is playing, are running, are laughing, don’t ask, are having, like, see, is, am.

4. Вставьте в предложения определенный артикль the, если необходимо.

1. The, —

2. The

3. The

4. The

5. —, — the

6. The

7. —, —, the, the, the

5. Дополните текст словами.

Care, pets, photos, part, place.

6. Переведите с русского на английский.

1. famous museum

2. famous theatre

3. ancient city

4. king palace

5. amazing bridge

6. high building

7. London is the capital of Great Britain.

8. The British Museum was founded in 1753.

9. Tourists took part in performance.

10. The city is famous for its museums, palaces and parks.

7. Прочитайте ответы. К каким вопросам они подходят? Напишите вопросы.

1. Where is Trafalgar Square situated in?

2. What do the Beefeaters do?

3. What is London famous for?

4. Did he visit the Greenwich yesterday?

5. What is a symbol of London?

8. Дополните предложения глаголами has, have, was, were.

1. have, were, were

2. has, has, has, was, have

3. have, were

9. Дополните предложения словами в правильной форме.

1. writer

2. politician

3. teacher

4. dancer

5. scientist

6. sportsman

10. Составьте словосочетания. Затем выберите пять из них, и составьте предложения.

Trafalgar Square is in the center of London.

White Tower is the heart of London and Great Britain. Tower of London

Buckingham Palace is an official residence of the Queen.

Westminster Abbey is a symbol of London.

The Houses of Parliament

Big Ben is known all over the world.

The London Eye is a wonderful attraction.

11. Дополните текст необходимыми предлогами.

In, for, with, from, to, of, for, of, to.

12. Напишите причастия прошедшего времени от данных глаголов.

Travel — travelled

Think — thought

Take — taken

Go — gone

Tell — told

Write — written

Play — played

Come — come

Eat — eaten

Have — had

Give — given

swim — swum

make — made

buy — bought

work — worked

do — done

see — seen

be — been

run — run

fall — fallen

send — sent

learn — learnt

decorate — decorated

teach — taught

wash — washed

drive — driven

fly — flown

13. Составьте фразы из слов, расположенных в двух колонках. Вставьте неопределенный артикль. Переведите фразы на русский.

Written book написанная книга

Playing boy играющий мальчик

Running sportsman бегущий спортсмен

Opened window открытое окно

Singing girl поющая девочка

Flying bird летающая птица

Built house построенный дом

Eaten breakfast съеденный завтрак

Sent letter отправленное письмо

Falling chair падающий стул

Decorated room украшенная комната

14. Дополните предложения глаголами have, haven’t, has, hasn’t.

1. has, have

2. have

3. have, haven’t

4. hasn’t

5. have, has, have

6. have

16. Дополните предложения глаголами в Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. have been, was

2. has flown

3. has crossed

4. crossed, turned, saw

5. have cleaned

6. visited, spent

18. Перепишите предложения, используя слова в скобках.

1. Му friend has never had a bird’s-eye view of the city. Let’s take her to the London Eye.

2. Let’s make an apple pie. I have already bought green apples, eggs and some flour.

3. The group of tourists has just turned left.

4. The children have recently visited the London Zoo. They liked the monkey.

5. What have you lately done?

6. You have just seen a UFO, haven’t you? Are you sure?

21. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

Spend, is sitting, is watching, likes, is reading, buys, takes, is feeding, is drawing, draws.

22. Составьте предложения, используя слова в скобках.

1. Have you read his new book about Russian scientists?

2. The wax model of the politicians appeared in Madame Tussaud’s Museum.

3. Who is the architecture of that unusual building?

4. A librarian should always be friendly and polite to readers.

5. I think one day that boy will become a famous musician.

6. What are you going to be? — I’m going to be a policeman like my father.

23. Дополните текст словами.

Years, famous, museums, lovely, take.

24. Переведите с русского на английский.

1. famous writer

2. to admire your hero

3. to write a novel

4. big adventure

5. flying kite

6. written letter

7. Mark Twain was famous American writer.

8. When did he write his famous book about Tom Sawyer?

9. Mark Twain wrote about adventures of Tom and his friends.

10. Main characters of his book were kind and brave.

25. Составьте вопросы и ответы со словами в скобках.

1. Have you done your homework? — Yes, I have just finished.

2. Is your brother playing computer games now? — No, he is reading a detective story.

3. What will you do tomorrow? — I will visit my granny.

4. Do they go to school on Saturdays? — Yes, they do. They have five lessons.

5. Did the students take part in the competition yesterday? - Yes, they did. They won the competition.

26. Дополните текст словами.

Seven, eldest, began, about, poem.

Проверьте себя

• 3. В

• 4. В, с, а

• 5. False, false, true, true

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