Раздел 4 - Урок 3 - WORKBOOK

Английский язык 5 класс - Все домашние работы к учебнику и рабочей тетради М. З. Биболетовой

Раздел 4 - Урок 3 - WORKBOOK

25. Вставьте пропущенные буквы.

House, come true, building, souvenirs, theatre, tourist, great, country, famous, fountain, fruit, creative, seaside, question.

26. А. Составьте словосочетания.

То turn right, to go abroad, to work hard, to take place, to come true.

В. Вставьте словосочетания в предложения.

1. turn right, 2. worked hard, 3. go abroad, 4. came true, 5. takes place.

27. Прочитайте текст упр. № 78 с. 110 в учебнике. Напишите вопросы о Диме.

2. Does The London Eye turn quick?

3. How many people visit the London Eye a day?

4. Did you take photos?

5. Where did he buy the souvenirs?

6. What is next to the London Eye?

7. Was the puppet show fine?

28. Заполни таблицу.







29. Дополните предложения предлогами.

1. In, 2. For, 3. Of, 4. Into, 5. At, 6. Over, 7. On.

30. Разгадайте сканворд. Найдите и обведите 15 глаголов в третьей форме. Запишите три формы.

Written (write — wrote), told (tell — told), run (run — ran), sat (sit — sat), put (put — put), spoke (speak — spoke), brought (bring — brought), been (be — was), begun (begin — began), got (get — got).

31. Переведите на русский язык.

a) путешествующий художник, говорящий политик, смотрящий ученый, спящий щенок.

B) покрашенная стена, письмо, посланное писателем, игра, в которую играли вчера, объявление, написанное нами, собор, основанный в.

32. Дополните текст.

Tallest, situated, built, view, admire, December, worse.

33. Выберите правильный глагол.

1. Have finished, 2. Took, 3. Have done, 4. Have eaten, 5. Became, 6. Have lost.

35. Разгадайте сканворд. Найдите 15 слов. Напишите инфинитив.

Put (put), stood (stand), let (let), given (give), heard (hear), written (write), left (leave), been (be), fallen (fell), got (get), chosen (choose), had (have), sung (sing), fed (feed), come (come).

37. Составьте предложения.

1. The boy has already drawn the picture.

2. They have just arranged the day and time.

3. Have you ever been to Scotland?

4. She hasn’t sent letter yet.

5. The students have never played cricket.

6. I haven’t taken the dog for a walk yet.

38. Запишите.

1. I have already done my homework. I have already washed the dishes. I have already gone to my granny.

2. I bought a new book. I fed my cat. I watched TV.

3. I haven’t cooked the dinner yet. I haven’t read the newspaper yet. I haven’t taken a shower yet.

4. I didn’t walk with my friends yesterday. I didn’t call my grandfather. I didn’t go to the cinema.

39. Напишите вопросы, которые вам задают учителя, родители и друзья.


Have you done homework? Have you written a test? Parents

Have you learnt the rule yet? Have you watered flowers yet?


Have you ever seen this movie? Have you ever played football?

40. А. Дополните текст.

Rich, outdoor, roller, skating, playgrounds, enjoy, hundreds

В. Напишите вопросы о центральном парке.

2. Is it big? 3. What is it famous for? 4. Can people skate there? 5. Why do children like walking there? 6. When can visitors see performances there?

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