Поговорим о знаменитостях - FACES OF LONDON

Английский язык - Поурочные планы 5 класс

Поговорим о знаменитостях - FACES OF LONDON

Цели: введение нового страноведческого материала по теме «Известные люди»; тренировка навыков монологической речи; совершенствование навыков чтения.

Оборудование: карточки с транскрипционными значками; портреты известных людей.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

— Good morning, children! (Good morning, Maria Petrovna!)

Good morning, good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning, dear children,

I am glad to see you!

(Good morning, good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning, dear teacher.

We are glad to see you!)

— Sit down, children. Today we shall continue our talk about famous people.

II. Фонетическая зарядка

Мы давно не видели обезьянку. И вот она снова у нас в гостях. (Дети повторяют за учителем все звуки и движения и находят нужные карточки с транскрипционными значками.)

— Обезьянка качается на качелях: [i:] — [ı], [i:] — [ı], [i:] — [ı]. Find it, please.

— Обезьянка задувает свечку: [h], [h], [h], Sasha, do you know this sound?

Обезьянка показывает язычок: [æ], [æ], [æ].

Вспомним, как обезьянка играете мячиком: [b], [b], [b].

Обезьянка греет свои ручки: [h], [h], [h].

Она вытряхивает пыль из диванчика: [d], [d], [d].

Обезьянка улыбнулась, но не широко: [aı], [aı], [aı].

Обезьянка любит петь песенки. Она поет: [l], [l], [l].

— Поднимите язычки вверх и поставьте их на бугорки за верхними зубами: [l], [l], [l].

III. Речевая разминка

Игра «Согласись или не согласись»

— Look at the portraits of famous people and agree or disagree with me.

(Учитель показывает на портреты разных известных людей и задает ученикам вопросы.)

Примерный ход игры:

— He is Daniel Defoe. (I disagree with you. He is Charlie Chaplin.)

— Charlie Chaplin is famous for his films. (I agree with you. Charlie Chaplin is famous for his films.)

— He is Mark Twain. (I agree with you. He is Mark Twain.)

— Mark Twain is famous for his songs. (I disagree with you. He is famous for his books.)

— Mark Twain wrote a book about Robinson Crusoe. (I disagree with you. Daniel Defoe wrote a book about Robinson Crusoe.) Etc.

IV. Проверка домашнего задания

— Let’s listen to your stories about your favourite books. Work in groups of four, listen to the stories and choose the most interesting one.

— Who is ready to start?

— Do you like his story?

— Why?

I hope you will read this book in the future.

(Учащиеся делятся на группы, заслушивают рассказы членов своей группы. Затем дети по очереди выходят к доске и представляют рассказы.)

V. Работа по теме урока

Работа по учебнику

Упр. 156 (с. 131).

— I’d like you to open your books on page 131, exercise 156. Read the short dialogue and act it out.

(Учитель предлагает учащимся прочитать, перевести и разыграть диалог. Затем дети в парах составляют свой диалог на основе прочитанного.)

Примерный диалог:

— Would you like to be famous?

— I think I would. I’ll do my best to become a famous artist.

— Will you? As for me I’d like to be a famous actor or a famous pop singer.

VI. Физкультминутка

VII. Продолжение работы по теме урока

1. Работа по учебнику

Упр. 157, 158 (с. 132).

— Many people are interested in the life of celebrities. Can you guess why?

— I want you to open your textbooks on page 132, exercise 157. Let’s read the task.

— Can you translate the task?

(Ученики зачитывают и переводят задание из упр. 157. Затем дети читают текст вслух, выполняют указанное задание и отвечают на вопросы из упр. 158.)

Упр. 159, 160 (с. 132).

— The next task is the text from exercise 159 on page 132 in your textbooks.

— Put the sentences of exercise 160 on page 132 in the correct order. You will have three minutes to do the task and then we shall listen to your variants.

(Ученики в течение двух минут читают текст из упр. 159, а затем выполняют упр. 160.)

2. Составление вопросов по содержанию текста

— Look through the text and prepare the questions to your classmates.

— Who is ready to start?

— Let’s work in a chain.

(Учитель предлагает учащимся составить вопросы по содержанию текста и задать их одноклассникам. Ученики задают вопросы по цепочке. Правильно ответивший на вопрос получает право задать свой.)

Примерные вопросы и ответы:

Pupil 1. Did Charlie Chaplin win the first prize in the competition?

Pupil 2. No, he didn’t. He didn’t win the first prize. Why did he decide to take part in the competition?

Pupil 3. He wanted to play a joke. Did he keep his plan a secret from everybody? Etc.

3. Введение нового страноведческого материала

Next week we shall listen to your funny stories or anecdotes about famous people.

(Учитель объясняет детям домашнее задание (упр. 161 в учебнике, с. 132) и предлагает в качестве примеров свои истории об известных людях. На доске следует заранее развесить портреты знаменитостей. В конце данного этапа урока учитель спрашивает детей, какой случай показался им наиболее интересным.)

Примерные истории:

1. Thomas Alva Edison was one of the greatest inventors of his time. In 1868, while working at an office in Boston, Edison made his first patented invention. He wanted to ask 3000 dollars for his invention, but he was prepared to sell it for 2000 dollars. He went to a meeting of businessmen who were interested in his invention, but when he was asked to name the price he became very nervous and couldn't speak. “We shan’t pay you a big price,” said one of the businessmen, “we have already decided how much we will pay - 40 000 dollars."

2. One day Mark Twain was travelling in France by train. He was going a small town near Paris. It was very late at night when he went to sleep. He asked the conductor to wake him up when they got to the town, and went to sleep. He woke up early morning. The train was already near Paris. Mark Twain was very angry. He ran to the conductor and cried, “I asked you to wake me up! Why didn’t you do it?” The conductor looked at him for a moment and then said, “You may be angry, sir, but not so angry as the American whom I put off the train instead of you.”

3. William Turner was a great English painter. He had a dog which he loved very much. One day his dog fell and broke his leg. Turner didn’t want to send for a vet. He sent for the best doctor in London. When doctor came Turner said, “Doctor, I'm glad you have come. My dog broke a leg. I know that you are too great for this work, but please, do it. It’s so important to me.” The doctor was angry but did not show it. Next day the doctor asked Turner to come to his house. When the painter got the doctor’s house, the doctor said, “Mr Turner, I'm glad to see you. I want you to paint my door. I know that you are too great for this work, but please, do it. It's so important for me.”

VIII. Подведение итогов урока

— Get your things together. Have a good weekend. Goodbye, boys. Goodbye, girls.

Домашнее задание

Учебник: упр. 161 (подготовить рассказ) (с. 132).

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