Базовый курс английского языка - 2016 год


Exercise 1. Read the dialogue, fill in with the words below.

me • myself • himself • yourself • myself • isn't it • themselves

At Ian's home party with snacks. Ian is showing his photo collection.

Alexey: Svetlana, could you give 1. ____________ a towel? I've burnt my hand.

Svetlana: What's up?

Alexey: I wanted to pour 2. ____________ a cup of tea and I spilled boiling water on my right hand. And then I've cut 3. ____________. It's bleeding now. I'm so clumsy! The situation is really silly, 4. ____________?

Olga: Alexey, what's wrong with your hand? Are you alright?

Svetlana: Nothing serious, but Alexey has hurt 5. ____________

Olga: You need cold water. Put your hand into it to reduce the pain. Alexey: The water is freezing and makes my hand sting!

Svetlana: Don't be a child!

Olga: Men are always childish and they whimper when they hurt 6. ____________. Do you need a doctor?

Alexey: No, thanks. I'll be alright.

Svetlana: Everything will be fine. Just calm 7. ____________ down!

Exercise 2. Guess the meaning (translation) of the phrases. Underline the words in the text.

1. Что происходит?

2. Теперь идет кровь.

3. Мужчины всегда ведут себя по-детски и ноют.

4. Со мной все будет хорошо.

5. Я такой неуклюжий!

6. Просто успокойся.

7. Ничего серьезного.

8. Проливать на руку.

9. Вода очень холодная и жжет мне руку.

10. Дай, пожалуйста, полотенце.

11. Налить чашку чаю.

12. Уменьшить боль.

Read and translate the dialogue.

At the doctor’s

Doctor: Good morning, miss. Please, come in. What’s the matter?

Olga: Good morning, doctor. I don’t feel well. I think, I’ve caught a cold. Yesterday I had a headache, but today I’m shivering and sneezing. I also have a sore throat and a runny nose.

Doctor: I see. Let me see your tongue. Now your temperature. Well, not too bad. You’ve got a cold, but not a bad one. You’ll be well again in a day or two. Buy this medicine and take it three times a day after meals. You need plenty to drink, but you would better stay in bed for a couple of days.

Olga: Thank you, doctor!


1. What's the matter? — В чем дело?/Что вас беспокоит?

2. to feel well — хорошо себя чувствовать

3. to have a headache — испытывать головную боль

to have a toothache/a stomachache — болит зуб/живот

4. I'm shivering — меня лихорадит

5. to sneeze — чихать

6. to have a sore throat and a runny nose — болит горло и насморк

7. tongue — язык (орган); не путайте с language — язык (английский, китайский и т.п.)

8. medicine — лекарство/лекарства

9. take it three times a day after meals — принимайте его три раза в день после еды

10. plenty to drink — обильное питье

Exercise 3. Read the following text and do the exercises. Translate the questions from the Stress Test and complete it.

Queueing at the doctor's Olga was reading a leaflet. It was about stress, its causes and advices to relieve it. Here is the leaflet:

Stress is everywhere in our daily life. Everybody can suffer from it. The main causes of stress are: death of a friend/relative, changing jobs, marriage, money, divorce, moving houses, credits, ending relationships, taking exams, hard working, daily routine. What are the symptoms? Complete the Stress Test!

Stress Test

Do you...

often sleep badly?

usually hide your feelings?

get angry when things go wrong?

feel nervous when getting a bad mark?

need cigarettes to calm yourself down?

find it difficult to relax?

have headaches a lot?

find it difficult to concentrate?

take sleeping pills?

often cry?

have no plans for future life?

leaflet — брошюра, буклет

causes — причины; to сause — вызывать, быть причиной

to relieve — облегчить

death — смерть

divorce — развод

daily routine — ежедневные заботы

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the frame below.

preoccupied (обеспокоенный, взволнованный), leisure activities (отдых, развлекательное времяпрепровождение), impossible (невозможный), consequences (последствия), effective (эффективный), prescribe (назначать, предписывать), endlessly (бесконечно), dangerous (опасный), enjoy (наслаждаться), health-giving (полезный для здоровья), drugs (медикаменты), suffer from (страдать от), treatment (лечение)

Nowadays people are very 1. _________________. They 2. _________________ stress. Stress is harmful and destructive (болезнетворный, губительный) for health. Therefore, many people need medical 3. _________________. A more 4. _________________ method is to learn to relax. A lot of 5. _________________ such as sport, gaming, reading, music and dancing, gardening and even crying, laughing and smiling can help people! They should do things that they 6. _________________. However, many people find this mission 7. _________________, and they have to take drugs that their doctor 8. _________________. Such 9. _________________ calm people down but they are 10. _________________ if you take them 11. _________________. Aromatic tea, yoga and meditation are 12. _________________ and haven't bad 13. _________________.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions.

1. Why do people suffer from stress? What are its causes?

2. What are some popular ways of relieving it?

A piece of English humour

Queueing is the national passion of the English. An English gentleman, even if he is completely alone, forms an orderly queue of one at a bus stop.

queueing — стояние в очереди; queue [kju:] — очередь orderly — правильный, аккуратный

Exercise 6. Listen, read and translate the dialogue.

Making an appointment with a doctor

Call centre: London Central Clinic. Can I help you?

Svetlana: Good morning. I'd like to make an appointment with a surgeon. And I'd like to see a doctor as soon as possible, please.

Call centre: Yes, madam. Do you have medical insurance.

Svetlana: Yes, I do. I'm a tourist. I'm here on vacation. When can the doctor see me?

Call centre: Please, come today at 14:00 p.m.

Svetlana: Thank you. Goodbye.

At the doctor's

Doctor: Good afternoon, miss. Please, come in. What seems to be the problem?

Svetlana: Hello, doctor. I often wear high-heel shoes, but yesterday I sprained my ankle. My foot is swollen, and I can't move it or step on it.

Doctor: I see. Let me examine it. We'll take an X-ray of your foot.


Doctor: Don't worry, it's not too bad. Stay in bed for a couple of days. Here's your prescription for medication. Embrocate this ointment twice a day, in the morning and in the evening during two weeks.

Svetlana: Thank you, doctor.

Doctor: You are welcome. Take care of yourself.


1. surgeon — хирург

2. to see a doctor — попасть к врачу

3. medical insurance — медицинская страховка

4. What seems to be the problem? — Что вас беспокоит?/Что случилось?

5. to sprain one's ankle — подвернуть ногу/потянуть лодыжку

6. my foot is swollen — у меня ступня опухла

7. to step — шагать, наступать (a step — шаг)

8. to examine — осматривать, проводить медицинский осмотр

9. to take an X-ray — сделать рентгеновский снимок

10. prescription for medication — рецепт на лекарство

11. embrocate this ointment — наносите эту мазь

Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences.

1. Принимайте это лекарство два раза в день.

2. Мой друг страдает от бессонницы (insomnia).

3. Вам следует оставаться в постели несколько дней.

4. Что вас беспокоит?

5. У меня болит голова и горло.

6. Подобные медикаменты успокаивают человека, но могут быть очень опасны.

7. Наносите эту мазь два раза в день в течение этой недели.

8. Наиболее эффективное решение для людей — научиться расслабляться.

9. Ты выглядишь усталым.

10. Стресс является губительным, и некоторые люди вынуждены обращаться за медицинской помощью.

11. Я хотел бы попасть к врачу как можно скорее.

12. Людям следует делать то, что им нравится, чтобы расслабиться: читать, слушать музыку, заниматься спортом или садоводством.

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