Английский язык - Новый полный справочник для подготовки к ЕГЭ - 2018


Причастия: Participle I и Participle II

Причастие — это неличная форма глагола, сочетающая свойства глагола, прилагательного и наречия.

В английском языке есть два причастия:

Participle I, или Present Participle — причастие настоящего времени;

Participle II, или Past Participle — причастие прошедшего времени.


Активный залог

Пассивный залог

Participle I (Present Participle)

INDEFINITE — употребляется, когда действие причастия совпадает по времени с действием сказуемого


Do you know the woman helping Tom?

Ты знаешь женщину, помогающую Тому?

being + V3

Do you know the woman being helped by Tom?

Ты знаешь женщину, которой помогает Том?

PERFECT — употребляется, когда действие причастия предшествует действию сказуемого

having + V3

Having helped Tom, the woman went home.

Оказав помощь Тому, женщина пошла домой.

having been + V3

Having been helped, the woman went home.

После того, как женщине помогли, она пошла домой.

Participle II (Past Participle)

обозначает действие, которое испытывает на себе лицо или предмет, т.е. имеет пассивное значение



We found the lost book.

Мы нашли потерянную книгу.

Отрицательные формы причастия образуются при помощи частицы not, которая ставится перед причастием, например: not wishing — не желая, not seen — не видимый

12.1. Причастия. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. Hundreds of (excite) people watched the (burn) houses.

2. ‘Why do you look so (worry)?’ ‘I’ve had a number of (worry) telephone calls lately.’

3. (Look) through some leaflets, I came across an interesting advertisement.

4. (Have) dinner, they continued their journey.

5. After hearing the (frighten) tale, the (frighten) children didn’t want to go to bed.

6. (Feel) tired, I went to bed early.

7. Some of my friends (invite) to the party could not come.

8. (Hear) this terrible noise, we stopped talking.

9. The woman (play) the piano is my teacher.

10. The room (clean) by my sister looked very nice.

11. (Write) in a fascinating style, the story was approved by the editor.

12. (Write) his essay, the student made several mistakes.

13. (Write) the essay, the student went for a walk.

14. Be careful while (cross) the road.

15. (Not know) her address, we couldn’t go to see her.

12.2. Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученнымисловами.

A Ghost!

Last Sunday Julia, Alex and Ted had an (1) ________ (excite) adventure. In the evening they were playing near an (2) ________ (abandon) mansion on the cliff. Its owners left it several years ago and the house looked absolutely (3)_______ ________ (desert). (4) ________ (Play) hide-and-seek, the children didn’t notice that they were already in the garden, (5) ________ (surround) the mansion. Suddenly they heard a strange noise, (6) ________ (come) from the kitchen. The (7) ________ (frighten) kids stood motionless (8) ________ (not know) what to do until they saw a light, (9) ________ (flash) on the ground floor. Then Alex took a torch and they went to the house. When they came up to the window, they saw a woman (10) ________ (dress) in white clothes (11) ________ (sit) at the table and (12) ________ (listen) to music. ‘It’s a ghost!’ said Alex and the kids rushed away from the (13) ________ (frighten) house. (14) ________ (return) home, they told their mother about the ghost. She laughed and explained the (15) ________ (excite) children that the woman in the mansion was the owners’ daughter, who came back in order to sell the house.

12.3. Инфинитив, герундий или причастие? Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.


Whatever else Christmas may (1) ________ (stand for), one thing it still means is (2) ________ (eat). Christmas has traditionally been a time of the year when people try (3) ________ (cheer) themselves up during the cold months of winter. Last year more than 10 million turkeys were bought in Britain alone during the festive season to satisfy the nation’s appetite. Health experts may continue (4) ________ (complain) about all this self-indulgence, but they fail (5) ________ (realise) that there is nothing new about feasting, (6) ________ (practise) by people at this time of the year.

The Roman Saturnalia, which was a festival in honour of the god of agriculture, started on December, 19. Among other things, the Saturnalia involved (7) ________ (light) candles and (8) ________ (give) gifts. People who had spent the whole year (9) ________ (save) money suddenly became extravagant. In addition to (10) ________ (exchange) gifts, this time of the year was also an occasion for masters and slaves alike (11) ________ (eat) excessively. At one Saturnalia feast an emperor spent the equivalent of $ 900,000 on a dinner for twelve guests, (12) ________ (make) up of delicious food. So, when mealtime comes round on December, 25, there’s no point in (13) ________ (have) a guilty conscience. In fact, the occasional seasonal feast may (14) ________ (promote) good health and stop year-round (15) ________ (overeat).

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