Английский язык - 20 тренировочных вариантов заданий для подготовки к устной части основного государственного экзамена - 2017 год


В данном разделе приведены возможные варианты ответов на задания 2 и 3 варианта 1. Представленные ответы не являются единственными вариантами ответов на эти задания, так как у каждого учащегося может быть своё мнение по заданным вопросам. Однако они покажут примерный объём высказывания и помогут выработать правильную стратегию устного ответа на экзамене.

Вариант ответа на задание 2

Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Extreme Sports Centre. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out what teenagers think about traditional and extreme sports. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous, so you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

Electronic assistant: How often do you do sports at school?

Student: Well, we have PE lessons 3 times a week: on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Besides, I play in our school football team, and we have training sessions twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. On Sunday, I often take part in football matches, so I can say that I do sports almost every day.

Electronic assistant: What do you usually do at your PE lessons at school?

Student: To tell the truth, our PE lessons are not very exciting. We seldom play any sports games. We only run and jump. However, in winter, we usually ski in the forest.

Electronic assistant: Which do teenagers in your region prefer, traditional sports or extreme sports? Explain why.

Student: Well, I think that teenagers in my region prefer traditional sports like football or swimming. First of all, they enjoy playing sports games because it's fun to play with friends. In addition, extreme sports often require expensive equipment.

Electronic assistant: What extreme sports are popular with teenagers in your region?

Student: In my opinion, the most popular extreme sport is skateboarding because you don't need any expensive equipment. You only need a skateboard and a helmet. Moreover, you can skate almost everywhere. Many teenagers also go snowboarding in winter because it’s exciting.

Electronic assistant: What facilities for extreme sports are there in or around your city?

Student: To be honest, there are almost no facilities for extreme sports in my region. However, we have a couple of skate parks in our district. In addition, there are some ski resorts near my city, where you can go snowboarding.

Electronic assistant: What extreme sport would you like to try in the future? Why?

Student: As for me, I'm not a fan of extreme sports but my dream is to try bungee jumping. It's rather scary, and I want to overcome my fear of heights. Besides, I don't have to buy any special equipment.

Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Вариант ответа на задание 3

You are going to give a talk about the United Kingdom.

Remember to say:

• what comes to your mind when you think of the United Kingdom

• whether you would like to visit the United Kingdom, why/ why not

• what the best season for visiting the United Kingdom is, why

Hello, I’d like to tell you about the United Kingdom.

To begin with, the United Kingdom is a country of great history and traditions. So, when I think of it, I always imagine the Tower of London and Beefeaters in their colourful uniforms. Another image that comes to my mind is a plate of fish and chips, which is a traditional British dish. And of course I imagine Big Ben and double-decker buses, which are the symbols of the United Kingdom.

As for me, I have never been to the UK so I would like to visit this wonderful country. My dream is to take a ride on the London Eye and enjoy a fantastic view of the capital. Besides, I’m fond of poems by William Shakespeare, so it would be great to visit his native town, Stratford-upon-Avon. Finally, it’s a great opportunity to practise English.

In my opinion, the best season for visiting the UK is summer. There are a lot of flowers everywhere so the streets and parks are very beautiful. Moreover, the weather in summer is not as rainy and cold as in other seasons, so you won’t need lots of warm clothes.

To sum up, I want to say that the United Kingdom is a remarkable country with lots of traditions and it is certainly worth visiting.

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