Англиискии язык - Методическое руководство для преподавателя - ENGLISH FOR THE 1st YEAR STUDENTS - E.C. Быкадорова - 2016 год



English is the only official language in...

a) the United Kingdom, the USA, Australia, New Zealand

Exercise 1. Tongue twisters to be remembered.

Предложите студентам прослушать два раза запись скороговорок, затем дважды произнесите их вместе с диктором и, наконец, произнесите их самостоятельно хором.

(1) Can you can a can as a canner саn саn а саn? - Можешь ли ты закатать консервную банку так, как закаточная машинка может закатать консервную банку?

или Сможешь ли ты законсервировать консервы так, как может законсервировать консервы работник консервного завода?

(2) Blake's black bike's back brake bracket block broke.

У черного велосипеда Блейка сломался блок заднего тормозного кронштейна.

Exercise 2. Match proverbs to their appropriate translation and comment them.

Попросите студентов соотнести английские пословицы и их русскоязычные эквиваленты. Затем распределите студентов по мини-группам для обсуждения смысла этих пословиц (каждая группа студентов получает свою пословицу). Ориентируйте студентов на то, что они должны не только объяснить свое понимание пословицы, но и привести конкретные примеры, основываясь на собственном опыте или опыте своих близких.

1.-е, 2.-f, 3- i, 4.-е, 5.-b, 6.-h, 7.-a, 8.-g, 9.-d

1. No song, no supper. - e) Кто не работает, тот не ест.

2. If you dance you must pay the fiddler. - f) Любишь кататься, люби и саночки возить.

3. Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. - i) У семи нянек дитя без глазу.

4. Money doesn’t grow on trees. - с) Как потопаешь, так и полопаешь.

5. Finders keepers, losers weepers. - b) Что с воза упало, то пропало.

6. Idle folks lack no excuses. - h) У лентяя Федорки всегда отговорки.

7. Haste makes waste. - а) Поспешишь - людей насмешишь.

8. Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. - g) He тронь лиха, пока лежит тихо.

9. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper. - d) Завтрак съешь сам, обед раздели с другом, ужин отдай врагу.

Exercise 3. Write the numbers you hear.


Telephone order


Peter Smith

Credit card number


Expiry date


Date of birth



Flat 50,

15 West Street Camford

Post code

CH14 4EI

Telephone number


Order reference

19 16 90 40 60 17


Exercise 4. Learn to distinguish between these synonyms: profession, field, job, occupation, specialization, trade, vocation, work. Read the explanation to see the difference.

Попросите студентов по-русски объяснить различие между перечисленными в упражнении синонимами к слову “работа”.

Profession - род занятий, профессия

Field - область, сфера, поле деятельности

Job - служба; место работы

Occupation - занятие; род занятий

Specialization - специализация (профессиональная область)

Trade - ремесло

Vocation - призвание; склонность

Work - работа; труд; занятие; дело

Exercise 5. Use appropriate synonyms:

1. job; 2. occupation; 3. field; 4. specialization; 5. work.

Exercise 6. Answer the questions.

Свободный ответ. Это задание можно выполнять, организовав студентов в пары. Сначала попросите студентов написать ответы на предлагаемые вопросы. Затем объедините студентов в пары, чтобы они могли ознакомиться с ответами друг друга. Наконец, предложите студентам рассказать историю обучения своего партнера.

Дополнительное задание.

Можно написать на доске заголовки для столбцов таблицы:

Favorite place to study

Best time to study

Worst time to study

Things that help you study

(the Internet, studying with a friend, music ...)

Попросите студентов записать свои ответы. Затем объедините студентов в группы, чтобы они могли ознакомиться с ответами друг друга. Предложите студентам выделить наиболее общие ответы на вопросы, самые необычные ответы и самые интересные ответы.

Exercise 7. You are going to watch a video about the ways to study. What three great ways to study are mentioned?

1. Interactive technology and computers

2. Study groups

3. Working with tutors and mentors

При необходимости объясните значения слов tutor - преподаватель в университете или колледже, руководитель группы в университете; mentor - наставник (репетитор), более опытный человек (студент), помогающий изучить сложные вопросы.

Exercise 8. Are these sentences true or false? Watch the whole video and check your answers.

1. F

2. T

3. F

4. T

5. F

6. F

Exercise 9. Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with words from the box. Then, watch part I about the way to study and check your answers.

Время в видеофайле: 00:33-01:15

1) papers, 2) Internet, 3) interactive, 4) computer, 5) study, 6) research, 7) library, 8) assignments, 9) check

Exercise 10. Here are some sentences from the video, but some words have been left out. Listen carefully the 2 and 3 parts and fill in the missing words from the box. Be careful, there are some extra words.

Время в видеофайле: 02:06-03:00

a) If you study in a group, your group members are going to require you to read the material ahead of time...

b) If you're having a hard time understanding some difficult material, you'll probably benefit from great way to study number three. Working with a tutor or mentor.

c) If a student feels that he needs help, he could go to the university's student center and ask about tutoring services on campus.

Exercise 11. Do you remember what people said in the video? Sum up their ideas in your own words.

A. My computer is like having a library in my own room.

B. I could use my computer to do research and also I can put graphs and pictures onto my assignment, I can do spelling area check.

C. Now we have computers students are able to access variety information from the Web. They are able to access different samples of audio from different parts from the world. In English you have British English, Australian English, American English. And I think it’s expanded the students’ base for learning English.

D. If you study in a group, your group members are going to require you to read the material ahead of time so you are going to be more prepared for the exam and you have the highest access rate in the classroom.

E. You can compare your knowledge with your peers and remember the material a lot easier.

F. If a student feels that he needs help he could go to the university students’ centre and ask about tutoring services on campus. (...) Something else that students could do is ask around, talk to other people, talk to other students - may be they have them some recommendations and some experience of tutoring in general.

G. If you feel like having too many problems, of course, not only the teachers could be your own tutors. The tutor is the best way because tutors are students as well so they have been the same experience and they can certainly guide you by helping to understand the material in a different way.

Exercise 12. Read the text to have a general understanding and get ready to explain what “educating yourself for the future” means.

Это упражнение можно выполнять письменно. Предложите студентам написать эссе на тему “How to educate yourself for the future?” (100 слов).

Exercise 13. Read the words in the box. Translate them. Read through the text again and then choose from the box the best word or expression to fill each of the spaces.

Выполнение упражнений 13-15 можно организовать в виде соревнования мини-групп студентов. Разделите студентов на группы по 3-4 человека. За отведенное время (примерно 20 минут) группы должны выполнить задания, данные в упражнениях 13-15.

Побеждает та команда, которая за отведенное время набрала большее число правильных ответов.

1. D - due to - вследствие

2. E - although - хотя

3. A - for these reasons - по этим причинам

4. G - however - однако

5. H - for one thing - прежде всего

6. B - to put it - выражаясь (формально)

7. J - first - во-первых

8. L - or - или

9. F - second - во-вторых

10. I - also - также

11. C - finally - наконец

12. K - for - по этой причине

Exercise 14. Find English equivalents in the text.

1. continual change - постоянные изменения

2. anticipate the directions and rate of change -предвосхитить направления и скорость изменений

3. vanish - исчезать

4. social conditions - социальные условия

5. personal development - личностное развитие

6. (it is) advisable - желательно

7. college graduates - выпускники вузов

8. to pursue hobbies - иметь хобби

9. educational experience - образовательный опыт

10. waste of time - потеря времени

11. wise - мудрый, разумный

12. prime objective - первичная цель

13. value - ценность

14. noncredit courses - факультативы

15. formal schooling - обязательное школьное обучение

Exercise 15. Ask different (general, alternative, special) questions to the §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

При необходимости проговорите со студентами, какие основные типы вопросов существуют в английском языке и их грамматическую структуру. В списке типов вопросов: общий, специальный, альтернативный, разделительный вопросы и вопросы к подлежащему.

Exercise 16. Translate §§ 6, 7 in written form.

Это упражнение можно выполнять в виде игры “В лаборатории переводчика”.

Transcript Part II. Unit 1

Presenter: In the past, we used to study by sitting at our desks, memorizing facts, and lists, and words. It was tedious, it was boring, it was awful. We used to do anything to avoid studying. But, of course, in the end we paid the price. There are many great ways to study. Today, we’re going to count down three great ways to study, because if you study, you’ll probably succeed. Imagine a world where you used typewriters to write papers, and the Internet didn’t exist. Great way to study number one - interactive technology and computers. Now all kinds of computer programs are available to help you do work and study. And, of course, the Internet can be a great research tool. Technology gives us more flexibility in how we do research and when we study.

Man 1: My computer is actually like having a library in my own room. Presenter: Aids such as computers help us produce higher quality assignments.

Woman 1: I could use my computer to do research, and also I can put graphs and pictures onto my assignments. I can do spelling error check.

Presenter: In learning English, technology can help us gain exposure to the language, regardless of our geographic location.

Computer program: Whale.

Woman 2: Now that we have computers, the students are able to access a variety of information from the web. They are able to access different samples of audio, from different parts of the world, in English.

You have British English, Australian English, American English. And I think it’s expanded the students’ base for learning English.

Presenter: Do you think you have to be alone to study? Think again. Research shows that when students work together in small groups, they are more likely to learn more, and remember information for longer periods of time. Great way to study number two - study groups.

Woman 3: If you study in a group, your group members are going to require you to read the material ahead of time, so you’re going to be more prepared for the exam, and you will have a higher success rate in the classroom.

Woman 4: You can compare notes with your peers and learn material a lot easier.

Presenter: If you’re having a hard time understanding some difficult material, you’ll probably benefit from great way to study number three - working with a tutor or mentor. For example, you wouldn’t write square root of four, you’d write two.

Presenter: Most colleges and universities offer tutors and mentors to help students when they are struggling, and you may only need a tutor to help you understand a particularly difficult concept. Once you get through it, you’ll be able to continue successfully in a class.

Woman 5: If a student feels that he needs help, he could go to the university’s student center and ask about tutoring services on campus.

Man 2: If you feel like you’re having too many problems, of course, going to the teacher is good, but you don’t wanna go every second either. A tutor’s the best way because tutors are students as well, so they’ve been through the same experience and they can certainly guide you by letting you understand the material in a different way.

Дополнительные задания см. в Приложении 4.

Ответы к дополнительным заданиям Part II. Unit 1.

I. b)

a. very great in amount overwhelming

b. a task or piece of work allocated to someone as part of a job or course of study assignments

c. to frequent the company hang out

d. a clever or particular way of doing something trick

e. an act of questioning someone quizzing

f. making you feel frightened or nervous intimidating

g. helpful hints tips

h. causing great enthusiasm and eagerness exciting

i. to carry out or accomplish, finish: get done

j. a thing that is regarded as more important than another priority


1. Get A Planner.

2. Stay Organized. Find Your Study Trick.

3. Talk To The Professor.

4. Study Halls Are Amazing.

5. The Socializing Part of College Life.

Коммуникативная игра “Вопросы и ответы”

1. Have you got a pet?

2. Where would you like to be right now?

3. Do you play a musical instrument?

4. Would you like to go to the moon?

5. Which country would you most like to visit?

6. How often do you speak English?

7. Who is your favourite singer?

8. Are you reading or writing at the moment?

9. Could you speak English when you were ten?

10. How many countries have you been to?

11. Which is your favourite city?

12. Have you ever been to the UK?

13. Have you got any children?

14. Can you count to ten in five languages?

15. How are you feeling right now?

16. Who chose your name?

17. What is your favourite colour?

Типы вопросов:

Общий - 1, 3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 14

Специальный - 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 18

К подлежащему - 16

Альтернативный - 8

Для любых предложений по сайту: [email protected]