Английский язык - Поурочные разработки 10 класс


(Данные уроки отводятся на подготовку и проведение контрольных срезов по различным видам деятельности с использованием заданий из рабочей тетради № 2 «Контрольные работы» М. З. Биболетовой, Е. Е. Бабушис (с. 48—63). По усмотрению учителя часть уроков может быть использована для проведения тематических мероприятий по изученным темам.)

Вариант урока 1 03. Люди России и Америки (игра «Сто к одному»)

Цели: обобщить изученный материал по темам «Россия» и «Америка»; усовершенствовать навыки устной речи; активизировать лексические и аудитивные навыки.

Оборудование: карточки с ответами и очками или карточки с рисунками; призы, сделанные самими учениками; колокольчики для двух команд.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

Good morning, boys and girls! Today we’ll play the game.

We have got two teams: “Good Friends” and “Modem Teens”. Представьтесь, пожалуйста.

(Капитан представляет всех игроков: «His name is...» и т. д.) Внимательно слушаем правила игры. От каждой команды выходит один участник и отвечает на вопрос. Право ответа будет у той команды, которая назовет верхнюю строчку.

II. Простая игра

Let’s start. The topic of our game is “Americans and Russians: are they different?”. Listen to the rules attentively. I want one pupil from each team to go to the blackboard. The simple game! First participants, come here, please! Listen to the question and ring the bell.

Позвоните в колокольчик, если знаете ответ.

1. What can Russians be proud of?

Варианты ответов и баллы (представлены на карточках или в виде картинок):

a) culture (33)

b) places of interest (28)

c) talented people (26)

d) discoveries (9)

e) nature (4)

(Игроки отвечают до тех пор, пока не допустят ошибку. В этом случае ход переходит другой команде с блицопросом.)

The team “Good Friends” has ... points.

(Счет выносится на доску.)

Let’s clap to them!

III. Музыкальная пауза

Now we have a rest. Let’s sing a song.

(Все участники исполняют песню «If You Could Read My Mind».)

If You Could Read My Mind

If you could read my mind, love,

What a tale my thoughts could tell,

Just like an old time movie,

Bout with a ghost from a wishing well,

In a castle dark or fortress strong,

With chains upon my feet.

You know that the ghost is me,

And I will never set free,

As long as I’m the ghost that you can’t see.

If you could read my mind, love,

What a tale my thoughts could tell,

Just like a paperback novel,

The kind the drugstores sell.

When you reach the part where the heartache comes,

The hero would be me.

But heroes often fail,

And you won’t read that book again,

Because the ending’s just too hard to take.

Thank you very much! You can sing songs very well.

IV. Двойная игра

Now it is the double game. All your points will double. Second participants, come here! Listen to the question and ring the bell.

2. What can Americans be proud of?

Варианты ответов и баллы (представлены на карточках или в виде картинок):

a) high living standards (35)

b) computer technology (29)

c) pop stars (18)

d) famous actors (10)

e) sport (8)

(Учитывается грамматическая правильность ответа: “Americans can be proud of famous actors”.)

Well, the team “Modem Teens” has ... points.

V. Поэтическая минутка

Let’s have a rest! Let’s recite poems.

(Учитель предлагает учащимся рассказать следующие стихотворения.)

American Coins

Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.

Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.

How many pennies in a nickel? Five.

How many nickels in a dime? Two.

Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.

Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.

How many dimes in a dollar? Ten.

How many nickels in a dime? Two.

Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.

Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.

How many quarters in a dollar? Four.

How many nickels in a dime? Two.

Caroline Graham


The stars are out, the moon is up.

It’s time to go to bed.

I’m so glad you have a place

To lay your little head.

Have a deep and peaceful sleep,

Dream away the hours.

When you wake the sun will come

To smile upon the flowers.

Go to sleep, my little friend,

Beneath the evening star.

You will always have a friend,

No matter where you are.

Larry Groce

My People

The night is beautiful,

So are the faces of my people.

The stars are beautiful,

So are the eyes of my people.

Beautiful also is the sun.

Beautiful also are the souls of my people.

Langston Hughes

Thank you very much.

VI. Тройная игра

The next task for you is the triple game. All your points will increase in 3 times. Third participants, come here, please. Now it’s time to listen to the task.

3. What words come to a person’s mind when he/she hears the words “the USA”?

Варианты ответов и баллы (представлены в виде картинок):

a) New York, the Statue of Liberty (33)

b) Hollywood (31)

c) the war in Iraq (22)

d) the 11th of September (10)

e) the dollar (4)

So, the winner is the team “Good Friends”. Thank you. Clap your hands!

VII. Игра наоборот

Let’s play the contrary game. Listen to the task.

Посовещайтесь всей командой и решите, какой ответ будет самым непопулярным. На обдумывание вам дается одна минута.

4. What words come to a person’s mind when he/she hears the word “Russia”?

Варианты ответов и баллы (представлены на карточках):

a) Moscow and St. Petersburg (100)

b) beautiful language (200)

c) Siberia (300)

d) space and rockets (400)

e) cold winter (500)

So, the team “Modern Teens” is the winner. Clap your hands!

VIII. Большая игра

Let’s play the final game.

Один игрок выходит из класса, второй отвечает на вопросы. Затем первый игрок возвращается и отвечает на те же вопросы. Повторяться нельзя — в этом случае команда громко хлопает и нужно сказать что-то другое. Вместе оба участника игры должны набрать 200 очков. Каждому дается 30 секунд.

Let’s start.

Вопросы для большой игры:

1. What facts from the history of Russia are important for Russian people?

2. What places of interest in Moscow do foreigners usually visit?

3. What traits of character are common for Americans?

4. What traits of character are common for Russian people?

5. What can people be different in?

Предполагаемые ответы и баллы (представлены на карточках):

1. a) the Second World War (38)

b) communism (30)

c) the USSR (15)

d) the cold war (11)

e) the victory in the Great Patriotic War (6)

2. a) Red Square and the Kremlin (35)

b) the Tretyakov Gallery (30)

c) the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (20)

d) the State History Museum (10)

e) the Zoo (5)

3. a) they are proud of their country (40)

b) they pay much attention to their health (28)

c) they are friendly (17)

d) they are sociable (8)

e) they are lazy (2)

4. a) they are hospitable (37)

b) they are kind (22)

c) they have an open character (18)

d) they are cheerful (14)

e) they are brave (9)

5. a) appearance (38)

b) tastes (26)

c) experience (15)

d) beliefs and opinions (11)

e) culture (10)

Excellent! You have more than 500 points! You have won! Clap your hands and step your feet!

IX. Подведение итогов

(Учитель подводит итоги игры «Сто к одному», благодарит команды за участие в ней и прощается с учениками.)

Thank you for the game. Goodbye.

Вариант урока 104. Путешествие (урок-игра «Клуб путешественников»)

Цели: активизировать в речи лексику по темам «Лондон», «Путешествия», грамматику: времена Present Perfect и Present Perfect Continuous; развить аудитивные навыки.

Оборудование: видеокассета «Крупные города Европы»; карточки с информацией о городах (Лондоне, Дублине, Амстердаме, Мюнхене и Вене), с заданиями по теме «Путешествие», со стихотворениями, с ситуациями для составления диалогов.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

Dear ladies and gentlemen! We are glad to see you on the board of our plane. Today we are going to have a tour around the main cities of Europe. Here is the map. During our journey you will watch some short films about these cities. We shall visit London, Dublin, Amsterdam, Munich, and Vienna. You will do different tasks and get the cards with very important information. If you have the greatest number of the cards at the end of our tour, you will be the winners and will become the members of the Travellers’ Club.

(Учащиеся делятся на команды, выбирается жюри, остальные ученики — зрители. Игроки придумывают эмблемы, названия команд и девизы.

За правильные ответы участники игры получают карточки с приведенной ниже информацией. Они могут быть использованы учащимися при дальнейшей подготовке сообщений по заданным темам.)

Информация на карточках:

1. London is the capital of the UK, which includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Like most European capitals London grew up alongside a river. In this case it was the river Thames. This city goes back to the first century BC when it was settled by the Romans as a trading centre.

2. Dublin is the capital of Ireland. Dublin has been a centre of learning and literature for nearly two thousand years. Ireland lies off the west coast of Britain in the Atlantic Ocean. Dublin graces the Eastern shore of Ireland. Dublin’s canals contribute to the special atmosphere of the city.

3. Across the North Sea is the Netherlands. The Netherlands or Holland as it’s often called is a small country in the North-Western Europe, with the governmental structure similar to that one of England. The Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy. Like other European cities Amsterdam takes its name from the river along which it was settled.

4. Munich is the capital of the German state of Bavaria. Munich likes to consider itself to be a uniquely Bavarian city. Munich’s October Feast draws five million visitors from all over the world. This Feast originates in the times of the Bavarian dynasty that began to hold this festival as a royal wedding feast about 200 years ago.

5. The Republic of Austria is a relatively small country located in Central Europe. Vienna is its capital city. Because Austria is a neutral country Vienna attracts tourists and visitors from all over the world. They come to enjoy the easy going atmosphere of the city. And they come to enjoy the music which can be heard in the best concert-halls of Vienna. Vienna was famous for its music in the late 18th century as ancient Athens was famous for its architecture.

II. Речевая зарядка

Let’s divide into four teams. Please, introduce your teams.

(Учащиеся представляют названия своих команд, эмблемы и девизы.)

III. Основной этап мероприятия

Let’s start our journey. The first city to visit is London. Let’s watch the video.

(Учитель включает видео о Лондоне на английском языке.)

Say as many true sentences about London as you can. You have 5 minutes to do this task.

Примерный ответ учащихся:

London is the capital of Great Britain. It is situated upon both banks of the River Thames, it is the biggest city in Britain and one of the biggest cities in the world. Its population is about 7 million people.

Modern London presents a number of cities, towns, and villages that have grown together to make one vast urban area during the past centuries.

London is a big port and one of the most important commercial, manufacturing and cultural centres of the world.

About half a million people work in the City but only less than 6000 of them live here. It is the financial center of the UK including many banks, offices and the Stock Exchange. But the City is also a market for goods of almost every kind, supplied from all parts of the world.

The West End can be called the centre of London. A lot of tourists come here to go sightseeing. Here you can find a lot of historical places as well as the famous parks. Hyde Park with its Speaker’s Corner is also here. Kensington Gardens and St. James’s Park are also there. In the West End there is Buckingham Palace which is the Queen’s residence and the Palace of Westminster which is the seat of the Parliament.

The best-known streets here are Whitehall, on which Government offices are situated, Downing Street, on which the London residence of the Prime Minister is located and the place where the Cabinet meets, Fleet Street where most newspapers have their offices, Harley Street where the highest-paid doctors live.

The port of London is to the east of the City. This is the East End of London, which was unattractive in appearance in the past, but now it is improving because of emergence of new industries and very expensive housing.

(Следующее задание предусмотрено для зрителей, за правильное выполнение которого им начисляются баллы.)

We are flying to another European city. It’s Dublin. Watch the video.

(Учитель включает видео о Дублине на английском языке.)

The Dubliners ask you to help them. If you do the task well they will present you the information about their city. Take the cards and complete the sentences. You have 5 minutes to do this task.

Задание на карточках:

1) I like to fly... plane.

2) Did you buy the tickets ... the railway station?

3) I don’t think it is comfortable to travel... train.

4) Somebody has stolen his luggage ... the train.

5) Last summer I stayed ... my grandparents in the country.

6) Have you bought a ticket... a London train?

7) We want to go ... a voyage.

8) I have already bought a ticket... Moscow.

Keys: 1. by; 2. at; 3. by; 4. from; 5. with; 6. for; 7. on; 8. to.

Our next city is Amsterdam. Watch the video.

(Учитель включает видео об Амстердаме на английском языке.)

The citizens like poems very much. You must choose a poem and read it very well as a real poet. If you recite the poem by heart, you will get two points more.

(Пока команды готовятся, зрителям предлагается вспомнить любые стихи и песни на английском языке. Они также набирают баллы.)

Примеры стихотворений для конкурсного чтения:


One road leads to London,

One road runs to Wales,

My road leads me seawards

To the white dipping sails.

One road leads to the river

As it goes singing slow,

My road leads to shipping

Where the bronzed sailors go.

Leads me, lures me, calls me

To salt green tossing sea;

A road without earth’s road-dust

Is the right road for me.

A wet road having, shining,

A wild with seagulls’ cries,

A mad salt sea-wind blowing

The salt spray in my eyes.

My road calls me, lures me

West, east, south and north.

Most roads lead men homewards,

My road leads me forth.

J. Masefield

The Arrow and the Song

I shot an arrow into the air —

It fell to earth, I knew not where;

For so swiftly it flew, the sight

Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air —

It fell to earth, I knew not where;

For who has sight so keen and strong

That it can follow the flight of a song?

Long, long afterwards, in an oak

I found the arrow, still unbroken;

And the song, from beginning to end.

I found again in the heart of a friend.

Henry W. Longfellow

The Swing

How do you like to go up in a swing.

Up in the air and over the wall,

Up in the air so blue? Till I can see so wide,

Oh, I do think it’s the pleasantest thing

Rivers and trees and cattle and all

Ever a child can do! Over the country-side —

Till I look down on the garden green.

Down on the roof so brown —

Up in the air Г go flying again,

Up in the air and down.

Robert L. Stevenson


What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare!

No time to stand beneath the boughs.

And stare as long as sheep and cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see in broad daylight.

Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty’s glance.

And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can

Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this is if. full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.

Thomas Hood

You are welcome to Munich. Watch the video.

(Учитель включает видео о Мюнхене на английском языке.) People of the city do not know the Present Perfect Continuous and the Present Perfect tenses well. Help them, please. I’ll show you the second form of a verb, you will give the first and the third forms of it and then you will translate.

Примеры глаголов:

To fall, to throw, to send, to grow, to fight, to find, to build, to wake, to fly, to blow.

Use the given verbs and ask each other different questions in the Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect. You have 2 minutes to think.

(Игроки одной команды задают вопрос в определенном времени, члены другой — отвечают. Жюри оценивает правильность постановки вопроса и ответы.)

This is the last city we are going to visit — Vienna. Watch the video. (Учитель включает видео о Вене на английском языке.) People like to talk to each other very much here. They would like to know how well you could do it. Take the cards, on which different situations are described; make up your dialogues and role play them.

Примерные ситуации (на карточках):

1) A businessman is flying to New York. There is an old gentleman near him. They are talking about the service.

2) A woman/man wants to buy a return ticket to some place at the railway station.

3) A woman/man is at the reception in the hotel. She/he wants to get a single room with a shower, a telephone, a TV set.

4) Two friends want to travel. They decide which means of transport to choose.

IV. Подведение итогов урока

This is the end of our journey. You have done all the tasks excellently. I think you may be accepted to the Travellers’ Club. Congratulations!

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