Modular Test 8 - PLACES TO GO

Поурочные разработки по английскому языку 4 класс к учебнику Н.И. Быковой - 2017 год

Modular Test 8 - PLACES TO GO

Цель: проверить, как учащиеся усвоили языковой материал модуля 8.

Оборудование: копии контрольных заданий.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

— Good morning, children! (Good morning, teacher!)

— How are you? (Fine, thanks.)

— Are you all here?

II. Актуализация знаний

Проверка домашнего задания в рабочей тетради

(Учитель проверяет выполнение упр. 2 (с. 66).)

— Where are you going to go?

— When are you going to go there?

— How are you going to travel?

— What are you going to do?

— Who are you going to go with?

(Ученики задают друг другу вопросы в парах. Затем учитель проверяет ответы в упр. 3 и 4 (с. 67).)

III. Работа по теме урока

Выполнение контрольной работы

Today you’re writing a test.

(Дети выполняют контрольную работу № 8 из сборника контрольных заданий Spotlight Test Booklet 4. Учитель также может предложить ученикам контрольные задания, приведенные ниже (2 варианта).)

Вариант 1

1. Read and write the word.

e.g. You can use it when you go camping. TTEN — tent

1) You wear these when you walk up in the mountains. BTOSO

2) Girls wear this when they swim. MISWUSIT

3) You can swim faster with these. FPILPERS

4) You can sleep in it. LESEPNIG ABG

5) We wear these over our eyes when it’s sunny. UNSSSGLAES

2. Read and fill in What, When, Where, Why, Who. Then match the questions to the answers.

1) ... is Pam going to go this summer?

a) by plane

2) ... is Pam going there?

b) to Turkey

3) ... is Pam going to travel?

c) with her Mum and Dad

4) ... is Pam going to do?

d) in May

5) ... is Pam going to go with?

e) go swimming

3. What will the weather be like tomorrow? Read and complete,

e.g. Rome / sunny and hot. It will be sunny and hot in Rome.

1) Moscow / windy and rainy

2) Paris / cool and cloudy

3) Cairo / very hot

4) Novosibirsk / cold and snowy


1. 1) boots; 2) swimsuit; 3) flippers; 4) sleeping bag; 5) sunglasses.

2. 1) Where is Pam going to go this summer? — b

2) When is Pam going there? — d

3) How is Pam going to travel? - a

4) What is Pam going to do? — e

5) Who is Pam going to go with? — c

3. 1) It will be windy and rainy in Moscow.

2) It will be cool and cloudy in Paris.

3) It will be very hot in Cairo.

4) It will be cold and snowy' in Novosibirsk.

Вариант 2

1. Read and write the word.

e.g. Girls and boys like wearing them. EJASN — jeans

1) You wear these when you walk up in the mountains. BTOSO

2) You can swim faster with these. FPILPERS

3) You can sleep in it. LESEPNIG ABG

4) We wear these over our eyes when it’s sunny. UNSSSGLAES

5) Girls wear this when they swim. MISWUSIT

2. Read and fill in What, When, Where, Why, Who. Then match the questions to the answers.

1) ... is Dave going to go this summer?

a) by train

2) ... is Dave going there?

b) to Poland

3) ... is Dave going to travel?

c) with his friends

4) ... is Dave going to do?

d) in August

5) ... is Dave going to go with?

e) visit museums

3. What will the weather be like tomorrow? Read and complete,

e.g. Rome / sunny and hot. It will be sunny and hot in Rome.

1) London / windy and rainy

2) New York / cool and cloudy

3) Florida / very hot

4) Murmansk / cold and snowy


1. 1) boots; 2) flippers; 3) sleeping bag; 4) sunglasses; 5) swimsuit.

2. 1) Where is Dave going to go this summer? — b

2) When is Dave going there? — d

3) How is Dave going to travel? — a

4) What is Dave going to do? — e

5) Who is Dave going to go with? — c

3. 1) It will be windy and rainy in London.

2) It will be cool and cloudy in New York.

3) It will be very hot in Florida.

4) It will be cold and snowy in Murmansk.

IV. Подведение итогов урока

(Учитель оценивает деятельность учащихся на уроке.)

— It’s time to stop now. Goodbye! (Goodbye!)

Примечание. Учитель может предложить детям выполнить часть упражнений или все упражнения для данного модуля на с. 45, 47 в “Языковом портфеле” (Му LanguagePortfolio).

Для любых предложений по сайту: [email protected]