Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland - Урок 4 - NOW & THEN

Поурочные разработки по английскому языку 6 класс к учебнику Ю.Е. Ваулиной - 2017 год

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland - Урок 4 - NOW & THEN

Цель: способствовать развитию навыков чтения и говорения.

Оборудование: иллюстрации по теме урока.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

— Good morning, everyone! (Good morning, teacher!)

— How are you?

— Is anyone away?

II. Актуализация знаний

Проверка домашнего задания

Today we’re going on to read Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Perhaps, we could begin by going over your homework.

(Учитель организует взаимопроверку выполнения заданий в разделе Activities. Ответы записаны на доске.)

Упр. 3 (с. 33, Episode 5).

1 — gloves; 2 - maid; 3 — bedroom; 4 — big; 5 — window; 6 — chimney; 7 — stones; 8 — wood.

Упр. 2 (c. 33, Episode 6).

1F, 2T, 3F, 4T, 5F, 6T.

(Затем ученики обсуждают вопросы из упр. 3 (с. 33, Episode 6) сначала в парах, а затем все вместе.

Предполагаемые ответы:

— I think Alice feels confused and scared because the Duchess is shouting at her baby and telling the cook to cut her head off.

— The Duchess is scary because she yells at her baby and Alice.

— I don’t think the Duchess is a good mother because she gives her baby to Alice. A good mother wouldn’t give her baby to a stranger.

— Alice is surprised when the baby turns into a pig and realizes why the Duchess was calling it that.

— I think Alice is going to wander around the wood to find a friend.)

III. Работа по теме урока

Работа по книге для чтения

Episode 7

— Look at the pictures on pages 20 and 21. Can you find the March Hare (the Dormouse, the Hatter, the Cheshire Cat)?

(Ученики показывают и называют соответствующих персонажей, затем отвечают на вопросы из упр. 1 (с. 34).

Предполагаемый ответ:

The March Hare seems to be very silly. The Dormouse seems to be bored and tired. The Hatter seems to be friendly. He is listening to the March Hare. The Cheshire Cat also seems friendly and wants to help Alice.

Ученики читают текст в сопровождении аудиозаписи и проверяют свои ответы. Затем учитель задает вопросы из упр. 3 (с. 34).

Предполагаемые ответы:

1 — I think the March Hare and the Hatter are rude. They say things that don’t make sense and yell at Alice when she doesn’t understand.

2 — I feel bad when people are rude to me. It makes me feel upset and I don’t want to be with them.

3 — I think it is important to be polite because people are nicer to you when you are polite.

4 — I would not like to have tea with the March Hare and the Hatter because they don’t make any sense and you don’t know what’s going to happen next.

5 — Alice is going to leave these mad creatures and wander around the wood to find someone who might help her.)

— At home listen and read Episode 7 again and get ready to answer the questions in Exercise 2.

Episode 8

— Read the title and look at the pictures on pages 22 and 23. What do you think is happening in each picture? (In the picture on page 22 Alice is meeting the King and Queen of Hearts and their servants. In the picture on page 23 Alice is playing croquet with the Queen of Hearts.)

(Ученики читают подзаголовки в упр. 2 (с. 34) вслух и высказывают свои предположения, например: Alice will probably find a door in a tree, become small again and go through the door. She will enter the beautiful garden she saw at the beginning of the story. She will then meet the King and Queen of Hearts and play croquet with them.

Затем ученики читают текст в сопровождении аудиозаписи и проверяют свои ответы.)

— Alice plays a very strange game of croquet. Work in pairs and think of a strange way to play your favourite sport or game.

(Ученики обсуждают задание в парах, а затем рассказывают свои идеи классу.)

— At home listen and read Episode 8 again, then do Exercise 3. Get ready to discuss the questions in Exercise 4.

(Учитель записывает домашнее задание на доске, а ученики — в дневниках:

Reader: Episode 7, Ex. 2 (р. 34); Episode 8, Ex. 3, 4 (p. 34).)

IV. Подведение итогов урока

— Did you enjoy the episodes you have read?

(Учитель оценивает деятельность учащихся на уроке.)

— That’s all for today. Goodbye! (Goodbye!)

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