Поурочные разработки по английскому языку 6 класс к учебнику Ю.Е. Ваулиной - 2017 год

Поурочные разработки по английскому языку 6 класс к учебнику Ю.Е. Ваулиной - 2017 год

От автора

Тематическое планирование учебного материала (105 ч)

Module 1. WHO’S WHO?

Урок 1. Family members

Урок 2. Family members

Урок 3. Who are you?

Урок 4. Who are you?

Урок 5. My country

Урок 6. Culture Corner: The United Kingdom

Урок 7. Spotlight on Russia: Families

Урок 8. English in Use: Introducing & greeting people. Extensive Reading: The Earth

Урок 9. Progress Check 1

Урок 10. Test 1

Урок 11. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Module 2. HERE WE ARE!

Урок 12. Happy times

Урок 13. Happy times

Урок 14. My place

Урок 15. My place

Урок 16. Му neighbourhood

Урок 17. Culture Corner: Famous Streets

Урок 18. Spotlight on Russia: Dachas

Урок 19. English in Use: Requesting services. Extensive Reading: Draw a Map to Scale

Урок 20. Progress Check 2

Урок 21. Test 2


Урок 22. Road safety

Урок 23. Road safety

Урок 24. On the move

Урок 25. On the move

Урок 26. Hot wheels

Урок 27. Culture Corner: Getting around in London

Урок 28. Spotlight on Russia: Metro

Урок 29. English in Use: Asking for/giving directions. Extensive Reading: Whet does red mean?

Урок 30. Progress Check 3

Урок 31. Test 3

Урок 32. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland


Урок 33. Day in, Day out

Урок 34. Day in, Day out

Урок 35. How about...?

Урок 36. How about...?

Урок 37. My favourite day

Урок 38. Culture Corner: Teenage life in Britain

Урок 39. Spotlight on Russia: Hi!

Урок 40. English in Use: Making/Cancelling an appointment. Extensive Reading: Drawing numbers

Урок 41. Progress Check 4

Урок 42. Test 4

Module 5. FEASTS

Урок 43. Festive time

Урок 44. Festive time

Урок 45. Let’s celebrate

Урок 46. Let’s celebrate

Урок 47. Special days

Урок 48. Culture Corner: The Highland Games

Урок 49. Spotlight on Russia: White Nights

Урок 50. English in Use: Ordering flowers. Extensive Reading: Through the Looking Glass

Урок 51. Progress Check 5

Урок 52. Test 5

Урок 53. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland


Урок 54. Free time

Урок 55. Free time

Урок 56. Game on!

Урок 57. Game on!

Урок 58. Pastimes

Урок 59. Culture Corner: Board Games

Урок 60. Spotlight on Russia: Free time

Урок 61. English in Use: Buying a present. Extensive Reading: Puppet show

Урок 62. Progress Check 6

Урок 63. Test 6

Module 7. NOW & THEN

Урок 64. In the past

Урок 65. In the past

Урок 66. Halloween Spirit

Урок 67. Halloween Spirit

Урок 68. Famous firsts

Урок 69. Culture Corner: The Man of Steel

Урок 70. Spotlight on Russia: National pride

Урок 71. English in Use: Reporting lost property. Extensive Reading: Toying with the past

Урок 72. Progress Check 7

Урок 73. Test 7

Урок 74. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland


Урок 75. That’s the rule

Урок 76. That’s the rule

Урок 77. Shall we?

Урок 78. Shall we?

Урок 79. House rules

Урок 80. Culture Corner: Building Big

Урок 81. Spotlight on Russia: Moscow Zoo

Урок 82. English in Use: Booking theatre tickets. Extensive Reading: Is your neighbourhood neat & tidy?

Урок 83. Progress Check 8

Урок 84. Test 8


Урок 85. Food & Drink

Урок 86. Food & Drink

Урок 87. On the menu

Урок 88. On the menu

Урок 89. Let’s cook!

Урок 90. Culture Corner: Places to eat in the UK

Урок 91. Spotlight on Russia: Mushrooms

Урок 92. English in Use: Booking a table at a restaurant. Extensive Reading: Eat well, feel great, look great!

Урок 93. Progress Check 9

Урок 94. Test 9

Урок 95. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland


Урок 96. Holiday plans

Урок 97. Holiday plans

Урок 98. What’s the weather like?

Урок 99. What’s the weather like?

Урок 100. Weekend fun

Урок 101. Culture Corner: The Edinburgh Experience

Урок 102. Spotlight on Russia: Sochi

Урок 103. English in Use: Booking a hotel room. Extensive Reading: Coast to Coast

Урок 104. Progress Check 10

Урок 105. Test 10

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