Spotlight on Russia: Moscow Zoo - RULES & REGULATIONS

Поурочные разработки по английскому языку 6 класс к учебнику Ю.Е. Ваулиной - 2017 год

Spotlight on Russia: Moscow Zoo - RULES & REGULATIONS

Цель: создать условия для совершенствования языковых и речевых навыков в ситуации речевого общения по теме “Московский зоопарк”.

Оборудование: иллюстрации по теме урока.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

— Good afternoon, boys and girls! (Good afternoon, teacher!)

— How are you?

— Let’s see if everyone is here.

(Учащиеся сдают письменные работы на проверку.)

II. Работа по теме урока

1. Вводная беседа

(Учитель организует беседу.)

— Do you like going to the zoo?

— Where do you visit a zoo?

— What animals can you see there?

2. Работа с текстом в журнале Spotlight on Russia

— Today we’re going to read and talk about the Moscow Zoo. Open the magazine Spotlight on Russia at the end of your books, page 10. What animals can you see in the pictures? (Brown bears, an emu, elephants, a dolphin, a tiger and a leopard.)

— What do you know about the Moscow Zoo?

— Did you visit the Moscow Zoo?

— What animals did you see there?

(Ученики рассказывают о своем опыте посещения Московского зоопарка.)

— Read the text and say what sections you can find in the Zoo. (Учащиеся самостоятельно читают текст и отвечают на вопрос: The Moscow Zoo has got the Animal Island, the Aquarium, the Night World and the Children’s Zoo.)

— What can you see in each section?

(Учащиеся читают текст еще раз и отвечают на вопрос.

Предполагаемый ответ:

— In the Animal Island you can see the Amur tigers, the white snow leopard, the Himalayan bears, the Asian lions and even an Australian emu.

— In the Aquarium you can see colourful fish.

— In the Night World you can see the night animals.

— In the Children’s Zoo you can see the heroes of their favourite tales: the three piglets, the wolf and seven goats and many others.)

— Imagine we’re at the Zoo now. Do you remember the rules and regulations for visitors?

(Учащиеся называют правила.

Предполагаемый ответ:

— You must pay for entrance ticket.

— You mustn’t feed the animals.

— You mustn’t touch the animals.

— You must be careful when you take photos.

— You must keep the ground clean.

— You mustn’t be too noisy.)

3. Доклады учеников

— Now our guides will tell us some interesting facts about the amazing animals in the Moscow Zoo.

(Несколько учеников демонстрируют заранее подготовленные фотографии и рассказывают о некоторых животных Московского зоопарка. Список животных может быть дополнен.)


Do you know a tiny animal — chinchilla? In the 20th century these animals were faced with extinction because of their chinchilla fur. Fortunately, now the situation is better. The chinchilla fur is popular due to its soft feel because about 60 hairs from each hair follicle this animal has. You can see chinchillas in the Moscow Zoo.

Morpho peleides

In the Zoo there are beautiful butterflies Morpho peleides. The wings of these butterflies have no colour, but they refract the light. The South American Indians name these butterflies “part of the sky fallen from heaven”.

Far Eastern leopard

An interesting fact: the Far Eastern leopard is the rarest surviving subspecies of leopard. Unfortunately, at present in the world there are not more than 25 animals in wild nature. In the Moscow Zoo you can see these beautiful animals. They are taken good care of in the Zoo.


It’s interesting to know that zebras with their black and white stripes in the African savanna are completely invisible. This “zebra crossing” is zebras camouflage from predators.

White tiger

It is interesting that any female tiger with the normal colouration can give birth to a white tiger! But such beautiful babies are very visible in wild nature and these tigers cannot hunt. White tigers are in captivity at the Moscow Zoo.

White bear

The largest predator on earth is the white bear, or polar bear. A bear (adult male) can weigh 800 kg. It is a famous hunter for seals. The polar bear fur consists of white guard hairs — that is why the polar bear has another name “white bear”. The skin colour of the polar bear is very dark, almost black, to keep warm. But the skin under guard hairs is not visible. The Moscow Zoo is a home for some polar bears too.

Brown bear

As for brown bears, these bears are mostly solitary. They need to have their own vast territory. But in winter bears are sleeping in their dens to survive, as there is no food for them in this season. And dens of bears may be very close from each other.

— Let’s say thank you to our guides. Was the information about animals interesting/useful?

— What’s your favourite animal?

(Учащиеся кратко рассказывают о своих любимых животных.)

III. Инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания

— For your homework make a poster about your favourite animal. Write a short description.

(Учитель объясняет, как выполнять данное задание.)

— If there is anything you don’t understand, ask now.

(Учитель записывает домашнее задание на доске, а ученики — в дневниках:

SB: Spotlight on Russia (p. 10) (make a poster).)

IV. Подведение итогов урока

— Can you talk about the Moscow Zoo?

— Can you talk and write about your favourite animal?

(Учитель оценивает деятельность учащихся на уроке.)

— That’s all for today. Goodbye! (Goodbye!)

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