Test 5 - FEASTS

Поурочные разработки по английскому языку 6 класс к учебнику Ю.Е. Ваулиной - 2017 год

Test 5 - FEASTS

Цель: проверить, как учащиеся усвоили языковой материал модуля 5.

Оборудование: копии контрольных заданий.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

— Good afternoon, boys and girls! (Good afternoon, teacher!)

— How are you?

— Let’s see if everyone is here.

II. Работа по теме урока

Выполнение контрольной работы

(Учащиеся выполняют контрольную работу № 5 из сборника контрольных заданий Spotlight Test Booklet 6. Учитель также может предложить ученикам контрольные задания, приведенные ниже (2 варианта).)

Вариант 1

1. Choose the correct word.

1) I’m making/doing a list of presents for my family members.

2) What activities do you make/do during the celebration?

3) Let’s make/do the invitation cards.

4) We’re making/doing a cake now.

5) In the summer my grandparents make/do the gardening.

6) Linda makes/does all her work before she goes home.

2. Match the words to form the phrases.

1) throw

a) the streets

2) watch

b) lamps

3) wear

c) streamers

4) decorate

d) gifts


e) a costume

6) light

f) the fireworks

3. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous.

It is Christmas Day. Mrs Foster (1. watch)... TV at the moment. Mr Foster (2. make)... a phone call. The boys (3. sing)... Christmas carols. Their grandparents (4. sit)... on the sofa. (5. they/listen)... to the boys? Yes, they are. The girl (6. not/listen)... to her brothers, she (7. open)... her gifts. It is very cold outside. It (8. snow)... now. So the Fosters (9. stay)... at home tonight.

Вариант 2

1. Choose the correct word.

1) In the morning people make/do some preparations.

2) What do you make/do on that day? — We watch parades.

3) He is making/doing his homework.

4) Make/Do the washing-up, please.

5) I’m making/doing a phone call.

6) Ken often makes/does a lot of mistakes when he writes.

2. Match the words to form the phrases.

1) celebrate

a) the drums

2) make

b) flowers and sweets

3) blow

c) New Year’s Eve

4) play

d) tricks

5) offer

e) a party horn

6) perform

f) tea

3. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous.

It is Christmas Day. It isn’t cold outside. It (1. snow)... now. We (2. play)... in the park. My sister and I (3. make)... a snowman. She (4. put)... a red hat on the snowman. It’s so funny! My friend (5. not/mаkе)... the snowman with us. What (6. he/do)... at the moment? He (7. play)... snowballs with other children. They (8. laugh)... . Look! Our dog (9. catch)... snowballs.


Вариант 1

1. 1 — making; 2 — do; 3 — make; 4 - making; 5 — do; 6 — does.

2. 1c, 2f, 3e, 4a, 5d, 6b.

3. 1 — is watching; 2 — is making; 3 — are singing; 4 — are sitting; 5 — Are they listening; 6 — isn’t listening; 7 — is opening; 8 — is snowing; 9 — are staying.

Вариант 2

1. 1 — make; 2 — do; 3 - doing; 4 — Do; 5 — making; 6 — makes.

2. 1c, 2f, 3e, 4a, 5b, 6d.

3. 1 — is snowing; 2 — are playing; 3 — are making; 4 — is putting; 5 — isn’t making; 6 — is he doing; 7 — is playing; 8 — are laughing; 9 — is catching.)

III. Подведение итогов урока

— Have you all finished? Leave your worksheets on my desk as you go out.

(Ученики сдают работы на проверку.)

Today I’m not going to set you any homework.

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